There are many assessments out there and too many to compare in this article. BUT you should be aware that many popular assessments should not be used in the hiring process. Many assessments measure what we call Adaptive Behaviors where a candidate rates themselves in different scenarios. These behaviors are learned and can change.
Current psychometric technology measures Core Behaviors (or behaviors that are inherent in the individual and do not change). This will give you a more accurate picture of how someone will perform.
Many assessments only measure personality traits. We recommend measuring cognitive or reasoning which tell us how quickly a candidate learns. This can be extremely valuable for onboarding and training and indicate if someone is a good fit for a job.
Honesty and Integrity is also a measure that is so important these days.
It is also advantageous to measure a candidate’s interests. Will they like the job?
Make sure your assessment is valid for hiring and that it has a validation study to show that it does what it is supposed to do.